Mass Intentions



The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and meaningful part of our Catholic tradition. In our parish, we have many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. We try to honor these to the best of our ability and in accordance with the Code of Canon Law for the universal Catholic Church. As such, the following guidelines are being implemented to accommodate the numerous requests in a reasonable and fair manner. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Requesting a Mass:

  • Anyone may request a Mass Intention for:

A person who is living or deceased, Catholic or non-Catholic.

Intentions for a particular person/people.

Intentions for members of a particular family/families.

A special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist e.g.: World Peace,  Vocations, Respect for Life, Souls in Purgatory, etc. These intentions should be general  and not specific to an individual.  Mass Intentions will be honored in the parish office on a first-come, first-served basis, in the order in which the request is received.

  • No intentions will be accepted over the phone.
  • When requesting a Mass Intention please use the Mass Intention Request Form found on our Parish website, at the Parish Office or the Information center in the church. You can drop off request forms in person, by mail or email to the parish office at
  • Each household or group may request a maximum of four (4) Mass Intentions at one time, which includes one (1) weekend (Saturday or Sunday) and three (3) weekday (Tuesday thru Friday) Masses.
  • Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested date and time as possible. If it is not possible to comply with the primary request, the next closest date will be scheduled.
  • A $10 stipend is suggested per Mass intention. A Mass offering may be more than the suggested stipend. Please write checks payable to Immaculate Conception Parish. However, no one will be denied a Mass intention because of inability to pay.
  • One Mass every weekend is scheduled for the intentions of our parish family.
  • Mass intentions will be published in the parish bulletin and announced at each Mass.


Changes & Cancellations:

  • If a Mass is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the intention will be rescheduled on the next available date.
  • The pastor reserves the right to reschedule a Mass intention due to unforeseen parish conflicts.

Pay Online for Scheduled Mass Intentions

(Please Only pay for Mass intentions that have been scheduled and confirmed with the Parish office.)

308 North Cedar St. Traverse City, MI 49684

  Phone #231-946-4211  Email:

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